Max Avshalomov (2026)

Max Avshalomov (2026)

Max Avshalomov


Max Avshalomov, hailing from Calabasas, CA, is making waves in the football scene with his versatility and determination. With a One11 grade of 88, he's proving to be a force to be reckoned with on both sides of the ball.

Max's commitment to excellence has earned him recognition on multiple fronts. In 2024, he was honored with the Utility Player of the Year award, showcasing his ability to excel in various positions and adapt to the team's needs seamlessly. Additionally, his coaches have acknowledged his exceptional contributions by awarding him the Coaches Choice Award, highlighting his impact on the team's success.

Beyond his accolades, Max's unwavering dedication sets him apart. In 2023, he was recognized as the Most Dedicated player, a testament to his relentless work ethic and commitment to improvement both on and off the field.

With his versatility, dedication, and drive to succeed, Max Avshalomov is poised to continue leaving a lasting impression in the world of football. As he continues his journey, his impact is sure to be felt, making him a valuable asset to any team.

    • Position: LB/DL
    • Hometown: Calabasas, CA
    • One11 Grade: 88 (⭐⭐⭐)
    • Profile: HERE
    • Commitment Status: Uncommitted
    • Stats: Coming Soon
    • Awards & Achievements: 
      • Utility Player of the Year 2024
      • Coaches Choice Award 2024
      • Most Dedicated 2023
    • OffersComing Soon
    • Top Schools of Interest: Penn State, Princeton, Miami U, Syracuse, MIT
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