Sir’ron Webbs (2025)

Sir’ron Webbs (2025)

Sir’ron Webbs


Sir'ron Webbs, hailing from Los Angeles, CA, brings his dynamic talents to the football field with a solid One11 grade of 85.

In the 2023 season, Sir'ron's dedication and hard work were recognized when he was awarded the title of Most Improved Player. This accolade reflects his commitment to growth and development, showcasing his determination to excel in his craft.

With his promising potential and drive for improvement, Sir'ron Webbs is set to make significant strides in his football journey, leaving a lasting impact on the game.

    • Position: WR
    • Hometown: Los Angeles, CA
    • One11 Grade: 85 (⭐⭐⭐)
    • Profile: HERE
    • Commitment Status: Uncommitted
    • Stats: Coming Soon
    • Awards & Achievements: 
      • 2023: Most Improved Player
    • OffersComing Soon
    • Top Schools of Interest: Colorado State , Ohio State , Utah State , TCU , ASU , UNLV
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